Ultrasonic Pest Resister Don't Buy Before Read Official Reviews!
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People don't want to have to deal with pest problems, but we do because our world is full of bugs, rats, and other animals we don't want. As responsible people who care about the environment and other living things, it seems obvious that we should try to use natural ways to get rid of pests that hurt them the least.

These ultrasonic bug sprays seem like they would work. They don't use chemicals, so they don't hurt the environment, and they don't need any bugs to be hurt or killed. That means it won't hurt the bugs you want to stay out of your house. But do these things really work?



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What Do Ultrasonic Pest Repellents Do?


Pest repellents that use ultrasonic waves work by plugging into an electrical source and making a sound that normal humans can't hear. Most are above 20,000 Hz, and many are even above 65,000 Hz. The exact frequency can be different between brands. These sound devices, called subsonic pest repellers, are now on the market and can keep pests away with sounds below 20 Hz

When the device is plugged in and set up according to the instructions on the box, the frequency is continuously produced. So that they work right, you have to be very careful about where and how you put the pest repellents because other animals, even pets, might be able to hear them. Plus, you wouldn't want to bring pests into your house by chance as they look for safety from your sonic pest repeller.


What kind of bugs do they go after?



  • When the ultrasonic pest repeller is turned on, its high frequency can scare away bugs like 
  • Cockroaches
  • Flying bugs
  • There are bed bugs
  • Flies
  • Fleas and ticks (you can even get pet collars with built-in sound devices that run on batteries)
  • Spiked fish
  • Birds
  • Mice and rats



How Do Ultrasonic Pest Repellers Work?


Ultrasonic and subsonic pest repellers are supposed to keep pests away from homes because the sound they make scares the pest away. They move away from the device instead of getting closer to it.

There are different ways that these ultrasonic bug repellents can work, depending on the frequency and the company that made them.


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Are Ultrasonic Pest Repellers Effective?


The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) charged the makers of these devices with false advertising in the 1980s and made them return customers' money because the devices did not properly get rid of pests in homes and gardens.

Although some pests, like mice, might be convinced to avoid the sound released from ultrasonic and subsonic pest repellers, the effect is only temporary. Like many animals that fall for scare traps, mice and other smart animals quickly figure out that the noise these things make isn't dangerous, just annoying.

People who have had success with ultrasonic bug repellers often buy them as a safety measure to keep mice, bats, and roaches from coming into their homes in the first place. But the truth is that these bugs aren't always trying to get inside, and they probably won't be able to get into homes that are already well-sealed.

It is simple for a device to look like it works even when the pest it's meant to get rid of isn't nearby.


Are ultrasonic bug sprays safe?


Ultrasonic pest repellers only use high-frequency sounds (above 20 kilohertz) to keep bugs away from your home. Other methods use poisonous insecticides to get rid of the problem. So, you don't have to leave your house because they are safe to use around your family.


Are ultrasonic bug sprays safe for pets?


Ultrasonic bug repellents might not be as safe for pets as they are for people. Cats can hear up to 60 kHz and dogs can hear up to 40 kHz. The question isn't whether or not your bugs can hear the ultrasonic pest repellers; the question is whether or not they could hurt them. You can be sure that the high-frequency sound won't bother your family pet, and it won't hurt them either.



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What is the price of ultrasonic pest control?


Ultrasonic devices for getting rid of pests can range in price from as little as $10 to almost $100. The price of the ultrasonic pest repellers will depend on a number of factors, including how many you need, the type of pest you want to get rid of, and the unique features you want the repellers to have. 

Other Ways to Get Rid of Pests

Ultrasonic bug repellers might not be the best way to get rid of pests. So, it's important to know what your other options are. The EPA says that using bait is a great first step, and chemical poisons should be your next line of defense. Lastly, the best way to get rid of pests quickly and effectively is to hire a professional pest control service if the problem is too big.

Some Tips for Getting Rid of Pests

Instead of spending money on a product that hasn't worked for decades, a homeowner who already has a bug problem can take a few easy steps to make it less likely that more pests will come in or stay. There is always a chance that something will get in, but there are many natural and effective ways to make it less likely.

1. Get rid of food sources

Most likely, this is the easiest and most effective way to get rid of most types of pests. Find out what the pest you want to avoid or get rid of eats. Rats and mice will eat almost anything, so keeping things clean is very important.

Keep pet food up and in containers that won't let air in. Also, clean up any spills right away and don't leave dirty dishes in the sink, as these can also be used as food. Putting all of your food in containers that keep air out is also a good idea, just in case these creatures have stronger feet than you thought.

2. Fill in the holes

Weatherizing your home is a great way to keep the cold air out in the winter and the heat out in the summer, but it’s also one step closer to keeping all the bugs at bay, too. To keep bugs out, make sure all the glue is put in the right way, the trim is sealed, and all the doors and windows close tightly and have screens that fit right.

Check your eaves and any other places that people can get into your attic, crawlspace, or basement. Vents and other places where air can flow should have tight screens put over them. Outside pipes or wires that come into the house should be sealed, and drains inside the house should be locked shut. Small bugs can get in through electricity switches and other things, but putting special insulation sheets inside can help.



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