Blockchain front-end development Engineer at StaFi Protocol

815 days ago
πŸ”₯ 77 applications

About the Company

StaFi is the first DeFi protocol that unlocking the liquidity of staked assets. As the grant winner of Polkadot foundation and Huabi and Binance partner, StaFi is dedicated to provide the secure services for PoS projects and asset liquidity staking for its users.

About the Job

Job Description
1.Develop blockchain products, websites and tools based on the StaFi chain.
2.Participate in architecture design, R&D and deployment.
3.Deeply and quickly understand the business, and conduct technical research, planning and development of related blockchain products.
4.Excavate unknown code defects and security vulnerabilities and fix related issues.

1.Bachelor degree or above, 3+ years working experience in blockchain or computer science.
2.The knowledge of JS, React, and Vue frameworks.
3.The knowledge of Linux common commands and shell scripts.
4.Familiar with or experienced in blockchain related technologies is preferred.
5.Great English document reading ability.
6.Excellent teamwork, good learning and research ability.
7.Chinese speakers are preferred.


Linux, JS, React, Vue


3,000 - 5,000 USD + Equity

Applications for this job are currently closed.

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