👋🏻 Bio

active 1 year ago Actively looking
Dear Employer
As a Software Developer with more than five years of Blockchain expertise, I passionately apply for this role. Employed as a Software Engineer: Blokchain/Solidity, Web3.js at developing Smart Contract, creating Token, NFT marketplace, DEX, and DeFi, where my responsibilities are. As a Subject Matter specialist in charge of identifying bottlenecks/bugs and developing responses to these problems.
I have an M.Sc. to complement my work expertise. I have extensive knowledge designing large-scale simultaneous, event-driven distributed networks and focusing on public-key cryptography/blockchain. Along with React.js and Node.js, I have
compelling Python basics, such as a solid understanding of computations and data structures. I have thoroughly enjoyed my experience at Perseus and Bitwhale Casino Projects. Now I'm looking for a fascinating opportunity for my career growth.
Please find my résumé attached for your review. Thank you very much for your time and consideration. I look forward to meeting you and discussing my skills and qualifications in-depth.
James Silva
Current Location: Indio, CA, US Languages: English, Japanese
Skills: Solidity Web3.Js React.js Node.js
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