👋🏻 Bio

active 1 year ago Actively looking
This is in interest to apply for the QA Test Automation specialist. My vast experience years with specifying test methods and test plans to evaluate product performance makes me the ideal candidate for this skillset.

Moreover, with more than 14 in Automation Testing, I excel in implementing Test Automation systems from scratch. I am pro-efficient in designing and implementing robust, scalable automation testing frameworks with various tools and languages like Selenium, Appium, TestNG, JAVA, etc. I also have vast Team leading experience

My core roles and responsibilities look like this:

Implementation of E2E Test Frameworks and Automated Test Cases.
Sole responsible to manage and lead the team in terms of technical and managerial.
Sole responsible in the team to create numerous POC for various applications.
Reviewing effort estimation for the team and ensuring that there is no slippage.
Delegating Tasks to the subordinates, mentoring, and troubleshooting.

In addition to my professional experience, I am extremely passionate about learning new tools and technologies. Please review the attached resume for additional details and achievements.
Current Location: Ireland Languages:
Skills: Test Automation Framework Design Java Javascript Selenium Restassured Playwright Codeceptjs Gatling
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