👋🏻 Bio

active 1 year ago Actively looking
2 years ago I went to an interview and I got accepted to work there as a trader. After 7 months of daily training, I was ready to build my trading strategy. In the meantime, I was able to get my german certificate from Austria.

1 year ago I started researching Blockchain and Web 3.0. I believe that it will change our perspective on the internet and it can change the way we communicate. I took courses about community managing and social marketing and started to moderate private discord servers for free.

I believe that my motivated and fast learner personality can help to develop myself in my career way.
I'm actively looking for opportunities that can help me learn new things and also help different projects in their social media management and content analysis.
Current Location: Istanbul Languages: University: BIHE , Computer Science
Skills: Community Management Java Dev Day Trader Nft Marketer Web 3 Researcher
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