👋🏻 Bio

active 1 year ago Actively looking
- 3 years of professional experience
- 5 years if you include the self-study phase before finding my first job as a developer

Currently working three years in my first professional role as a full stack web developer building a SAAS case management system for front office, now, as a bit of an idealist, now ready for my next step and excited about the web3 space. Passionate about creating a more open and honest world where purely self-enriching behavior, at cost of others, is made harder to hide.

I enjoy the challenge of writing code that does what is required efficiently while also being pleasant for others to read, change and build upon.

Besides that I highly value working with people that agree that what we are trying to do is ultimately always done in service of others. And therefore I highly value healthy ways of communicating and working together.
Current Location: Utrecht Languages:
Skills: Python Django Django Rest Framework Javascript React Celery Elasticsearch Git Docker Solidity Web3.Py
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