👋🏻 Bio

active 2 weeks ago Actively looking
Experienced Smart Contract Developer with a proven track record of designing, developing, and deploying decentralized solutions in the blockchain space. Proficient in Solidity and a range of blockchain technologies, I have been at the forefront of creating innovative, secure, and scalable smart contracts. My recent work at Streamr Network involved building complex, incentive- driven mechanisms, off-chain communication solutions, and the development of upgradable, gasless, and cross-chain compatible smart contracts. I am passionate about the transformative potential of blockchain technology and am dedicated to advancing the decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem.
Current Location: Cluj-Napoca, Romania Languages: English (United States)
Skills: Blockchain Development Javascript React Solidity Programming

💼 Experience

Smart Contract Developer Streamr Network
January 2022 to December 2023 (1 yrs 11 mos) ▪️ Full-time ▪️ Zug, Switzerland
Javascript Solidity Programming Software Engineering Teamwork
The Streamr Network provides a pub-sub data transport layer that allows you to connect your data to the rest of the world. It's a fully decentralised and scalable protocol for many to many data pipelines, network analytics and instant messaging. The technology works in tandem with companion blockchains which are used for identity, security, and payments.

The final milestone of the Streamr project which is the incentive layer that activates the DATA token economy.
Role: worked on the smart contracts implementation of the incentive mechanism which motivates all parties involved (Operators, Sponsorships) to participate (stake/delegate), perform work(flag/vote) and behave (earn/get slashed) according to community agreement.

Broker nodes are the miners, the off-chain component of the Streamr Network. They are nodes that constantly monitor the Streamr smart contracts and choose which streams of data they want to start servicing.
Role: implemented the plugins for the off-chain communication with the smart contracts through which Operators stay in sync and perform work according to the protocol rules.

The Hub:
Marketplace for the Streamr Network onto which streams of data can be packaged into Projects and made available for public/private use.
Role: implemented from scratch a set of smart contracts(marketplace, registry, protocols adapters, etc) and associated subgraphs for indexing the data. Contracts are UUPS upgradeable, support gasless transactions and interact with protocols like Uniswap, The Graph, GSN, IPFS or Hyperlane for cross-chain communication.
Software Engineer iQuest Group
January 2019 to January 2022 (3 yrs 0 mos) ▪️ Full-time ▪️ Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Javascript React Frontend Development Backend Development Problem Solving
Complex interview management platform tailored for applicants and healthcare programs within the healthcare industry. The platform was designed to provide a comprehensive end-to-end solution for virtual recruitment and streamline the interview management process.

Role: I played a pivotal role in the project, contributing from its inception to successful production launch. My responsibilities included actively developing the interview management platform, ensuring it met applicant and program needs, and optimizing the interview process.

Socket-based web app, providing a secure and efficient communication platform for users. This real-time chat system facilitated encrypted data storage in a database, ensuring data privacy and security.

Role: Designed and implemented the REST API using web sockets for seamless communication. This included the development of user authentication strategies, both locally and via social media. The app featured private chat rooms, managed through Socket.IO, enhancing user interaction.

Comprehensive knowledge database web application designed for internal users within a prominent pharmaceutical company. The central focus of the application was the implementation of an advanced search engine equipped with sophisticated filtering capabilities.

Role: I took on the responsibility of implementing complex multi-search filtering solutions and successfully resolved issues related to iPad responsiveness.

🎓 Education & Certificates

Certificate, Zero Knowledge By zkSync
December 2023 to January 2024 (1 mos)
Blockchain Development Innovation Adaptability

Certificate, Blockchain Development By ConsenSys
September 2021 to December 2021 (3 mos)
Blockchain Development Solidity

Diploma, Web Development By The Informal School of IT
September 2018 to January 2019 (4 mos)
Frontend Development Backend Development

Bachelor’s Degree, Civil Engineering By Technical University of CLuj-Napoca
October 2005 to July 2009 (3 yrs 9 mos)
Training & Development Design Thinking Innovation Problem Solving Collaboration

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